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There are many ways to make a brand or a shop famous. However the easiest way to become popular is by giving discounts and bargains to the customers. This is a step that is taken by most companies when they are introduced in the market. Of course, there is no one that is going to buy your product just because you are selling it. There is a chain of thought process that governs the purchase of a certain utility before it is actually sold. Therefore you need to make sure that your customers know your product and you know your customers. Only then will you be able to serve your customers better and you can make sure that you get good sales in return.
There are plenty of ways that you can make your product famous. However, the best ways to do this till date is give out free stuff. This is a common practice that has lasted for years. The customers get a taste of what you are selling. You can also make sure that you know your customers from the feedback that you get from them from your free samples. If your product is really good then you can guarantee that your customers will soon be paying money to purchase the product from you.
There are many that fluctuate in quality when initiating such offers. However this is only going to bring you temporary profit. If you are going to deteriorate in the promise that you make with your free samples then the customers will slowly start to leave your product. Therefore you should always make sure that you keep up to the quality of the product that you have initially promised your customers with. What is even better is if you increase the quality of the product that is paid for. This will encourage your customers to pay for the product that is better than the product that is being offered for free that is already very good. This way giving out free samples will bring you more customers in. The profits as such are balanced in such a way that you do not have to worry about the loss of the free samples.
Free samples are loved all over the world and giving out free stuff is always the fastest way to get noticed. Therefore if it is your shop that you have opened up, give out a few free samples for the customers to build up. DreamWalk is an example of such a marketing strategy in which treasure hunts is used to give away stuff for free.