
Do You Use Bad Marketing Language?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Do you use marketing language when someone asks you what you do? Do you sound like a brochure instead of a real, live human being? I'm sure you recognize marketing language in other people. Have you ever heard someone say something like "we help our clients find the solutions to their needs" or "we help our clients protect their wealth" or "we provide technology solutions for progressive companies" or some other junk like that? That's marketing language.

The difference between marketing language and real language is that people don't think in marketing-speak. That is, their actual thought processes don't include the words found in marketing language.

So how do you know if what you are saying is marketing junk? It's as simple as asking yourself the following question; "Is what I just said the way people think?" Have you ever formulated your thoughts using those exact words?

Let's use an example to make it clearer. How many times have you stayed awake at night worrying about money? Did you think to yourself, "Gee, I wonder how I can protect my wealth?" Or did you think something more like, "I've worked hard to earn this money. How can I grow it without taking too much risk in the market and without getting killed on taxes?" The first example is marketing language, the second is real English. Do you see the difference?

If you're still stumped, try a great, free service called Bull Fighter. You can access it at [http://www.dc.com/bullfighter] . It will help you get rid of all the b.s., jargon and marketing lingo in your speech and writing. Now, go speak plain English and make more money !!

Will Turner is the Founder and President of Dancing Elephants Achievement Group, a sales training and consulting company. Will has over 20 years of sales and sales management experience and is the author of over 150 sales-related articles and sales training programs as well as the co-author of the book, Six Secrets of Sales Magnets. Will can be reached at Will@dancingelephants.net.


Actor Kevin Spacey Explains Network Marketing

Check out this video of actor Kevin Spacey explaining the benefits of Network Marketing.



Kel-Tec PF-9: "Daily Carry Handgun" Pt 2 by Nutnfancy

PART 2 of 2 The Kel-Tec PF-9 is a great alternative to the Kahr PM series of polymer framed pistols. It costs less than half the price and yet offers excellent accuracy, reliability, firepower, lightweight, and outstanding carry comfort. And it some ways, as discussed in the video, it even beats the Kahr PM series (PF-9: thinner, longer sight radius, 1 extra round, longer grip but still ultra concealable). Against the Kahr CW series, it compares in value but weighs a substantial 3 ounces less. As shown in my companion shooting video, the PF-9 is a good shooter too once you learn the trigger and get accustomed to the somewhat snappy recoil. It can readily serve as a concealed carry option, officers backup gun, or as a possible all-around home defense pistol as well (a lighter weight, more concealable gun like the PF-9 could prove to be more versatile and more used by the homeowner in the long run). Initial production versions of the Kel-Tec PF-9 were fraught with reliability and quality problems and some may mistakenly think these issues persist. They dont. Those have all been fixed and current iterations are providing stellar service with their users (reference ktog.org for specific serial number issues if purchasing a used PF-9). For most users, the PF-9 will last your lifetime as well. Overall, it is a high value gun that is backed up with typically great Kel-Tec customer service. /////////////Nutnfancy Initial Likeability Scale: 9 of 10



SPECIAL1 TV (EP02-HQ) Jose's take on the transfer window

(Original transmission Date 7th February 09) Special 1 tv's predecessor called "I'm on setanta sports" (IOSS) first appeared at the beginning of December 2007 & has been a cult football comedy hit ever since. At first the show was a solo effort with The special one in the studio alone & taking calls from various other football faces & Managers (with the exception of a certain Dave from Newcastle). In due coarse Two more regulars were drafted in by Jose in the shape of Sven ("IT") & the boy Wayne (Rooney) This move bought a massive comical boost to the show & helped increase it's popularity. In autumn 08 a certain Mr Fabio Capello (cabbage man) came into the show as THE BOSS much to Jose's disgust. But he has seldom been seen since a certain election defeat to Jose. (Do not cross the special one). In early January 2009 setanta stunned the shows millions & millions of Fantastic fans by announcing that IOSS was to end the following weekend.....for no apparent reason. DAVE LENNON (Director of this channel) went Ballistic & started an online campaign to save this special show. After 10 days of this campaign it was announced through a special episode (EP00 on this channel) that the show was to return with a new name "Special 1 TV". The fans rejoiced & I slept properly for the first time in ten days. The whole thing had been a cheap marketing ploy (as stated by Sven in EP01) to accommodate a new sponsor (pools4all.com). However - this author got his reward when his campaign ...
