
Who Are The Young Turks? (Webby Award Entry - Best News & Politics Series)

Directed by Andrew Napier. Entry for Best News & Politics Series for the 2010 Webby Awards. www.andrewnapier.com http Music by Felix Sofia. www.FelixSofia.com A TYT Network Production http Cenk Uygur is host of The Young Turks, the first ever live, daily web television talk show. The Young Turks is the largest online news show in the world. The show is one of the Top 50 You Tube Partners, with over 23 million views a month on the The Young Turks You Tube Channel. The Young Turks received the Best Political Podcast 2009 at the Podcast Awards and Best Political News Site 2009 at the Mashable Awards. The Young Turks is also now the flagship show of the TYT Network. The other stations include TYT Sports, TYT Interviews, The Top Vlog and the movie review show What the Flick?! The TYT Network has over 385 million views on YouTube. Cenk Uygur is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School of Business and Columbia University Law School. He worked as a lawyer, television writer and television host before starting The Young Turks. Cenk also blogs on Huffington Post, Daily Kos, ABC News and Politico. Described by the Pittsburgh City Paper as "Part Howard Stern, Part Howard Dean," The Young Turks presents a smart, funny and irreverent take on politics, pop culture and news. The main TYT brand is truth-telling. A sampling of recent guests include Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, President Jimmy Carter, Julian Assange, Michael ...



SPECIAL1 TV (EP10-HQ) Squeaky Bum Time !

(Original transmission date 25th April 09) I'm on setanta sports first appeared at the beginning of December 2007 & has been a cult football comedy hit ever since. At first the show was a solo effort with The special one in the studio alone & taking calls from various other football faces & Managers (with the exception of a certain Dave from Newcastle). In due coarse Two more regulars were drafted in by Jose in the shape of Sven ("IT") & the boy Wayne (Rooney) This move bought a massive comical boost to the show & helped increase it's popularity. In autumn 08 a certain Mr Fabio Capello (cabbage man) came into the show as THE BOSS much to Jose's disgust. But he has seldom been seen since a certain election defeat to Jose. (Do not cross the special one). In early January 2009 setanta stunned the shows millions & millions of Fantastic fans by announcing that IOSS was to end the following weekend.....for no apparent reason. DAVE LENNON (Director of this channel) went Ballistic & started an online campaign to save this special show. After 10 days of this campaign it was announced through a special episode (EP00 on this channel) that the show was to return with a new name "Special 1 TV". The fans rejoiced & I slept properly for the first time in ten days. The whole thing had been a cheap marketing ploy (as stated by Sven in EP01) to accommodate a new sponsor (pools4all.com). However - this youtube Director got his reward when his campaign & his name were given a rather special ...



Is Marketing Unethical?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Thomas Jefferson use to condemn marketing or rather the advertising aspects of it, he said something like you cannot trust any advertising. Today, you can trust advertising due to the laws we have, but you are now concerned about the opposite; you cannot trust the stories that are in print! What do they say, you can only believe half of what you read? Well, unless it's advertising and then you can believe 90% of it now.

Of course, on the sales side Zig Ziglar did make a wise observation when he said "Nothing Happens Until Someone Sales Something!" In other words, it takes nails to build a fence and the contractor who builds the fence cannot do it without those nails. But it takes steel to make the nails and you cannot make steel until you dig the iron ore out of the ground and you need a tractor for that. But to make a tractor you need a motor and to make a motor you need machines and a machine shop. But first you have to design the machine shop and you need someone with drafting abilities, which must convince the entrepreneur that is building the machine shop that he knows what he is doing, he must sell his services.

So is that person evil for selling himself? Certainly not! Neither are all the people along the way who are needed so you can have a fence put up at your home, because you choose to do so. Without all these people your choices would be limited and limited choices is less freedom, not more. Perhaps you enjoy philosophy and can see the problem with those who proclaim Marketing as an unethical profession?

Marketing is not unethical, rather it is vital to the flows of our civilization, so if you choose a marketing career, I salute you!

"Lance Winslow" - Online Blog Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance Winslow's Bio