
Part 2 What Makes You Sexy - BBC Explorations

First Impressions are what count. Which physical features light the flames of passion when we see a stranger across a crowded room? And why do women's faces subtly change over the course of every month? What makes you sexy and attractive to the opposite sex? Everyday, attraction starts the same way for millions of people around the world with a glance. But which physical features light the flames of passion when we see a stranger across a crowded room? The signs of beauty turn out to be the same the world over and were biologically programmed to spot them. And its all because beauty is the bait we use to attract a mate. Surprisingly, the very first impression we make on other people often has nothing to do with our faces or our figures. Its the way we move. Good movers are sexy because they come across as fit, healthy and co-ordinated. And that means they're likely to have good genes. Just what you want in a partner with whom you might start a family. When it comes to beautiful faces we reveal that symmetry is the key. To prove this theory leading experts at the University of St Andrew's in Scotland analyse the faces of two models, Hannah and Jason. Incredibly, experiments at the University of Newcastle in England have found women's faces become more symmetrical and attractive to men when they're ovulating. Its a bombshell revealing that, like many animals, human females can become more desirable to males when they're ready to conceive. And a woman's monthly cycle has ...


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